Département du Pas-de-Calais
- Mary Sol Ovalle : ovalle [point] cijanes [point] mary [point] sol
pasdecalais [point] fr (subject: Mission%20Coop%C3%A9ration%20Europ%C3%A9enne%20et%20Internationale) (ovalle[dot]cijanes[dot]mary[dot]sol[at]pasdecalais[dot]fr) / 00 33 3 21 21 91 78
- Marianne Denoeu : denoeu [point] marianne
pasdecalais [point] fr (subject: Mission%20Coop%C3%A9ration%20Europ%C3%A9enne%20et%20Internationale) (denoeu[dot]marianne[at]pasdecalais[dot]fr) / 00 33 3 21 21 91 73
Département du Nord
- Hélène Dinh : Helene [point] dinh
lenord [point] fr/ 00 33 3 59 73 56 98
Provincie West-Vlaanderen
- Jessica Monteyne : Jessica [point] monteyne
west-vlaanderen [point] be/ 00 32 50 40 33 41
- Andreas Schollier : andreas [point] schollier
west-vlaanderen [point] be / 00 32 497 05 18 96
Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen
- Julio Delva : julio [point] delva
oost-vlanderen [point] be (subject: Province%20de%20Flandre%20orientale) (julio[dot]delva[at]oost-vlanderen[dot]be) / 00 32 9 267 87 22
- Tanja Vanhove : tanja [point] vanhove
oost-vlaanderen [point] be/ 00 32 9 267 86 83
Kent County Council
- Dafydd Pugh : dafydd [point] pugh
kent [point] gov [point] uk (subject: Comt%C3%A9%20du%20Kent) (dafydd[dot]pugh[at]kent[dot]gov[dot]uk) / 00 44 (0) 3000 417157
- Myriam Caron : Myriam [point] caron
kent [point] gov [point] uk (Myriam[dot]caron[at]kent[dot]gov[dot]uk)/ 00 44 (0) 3000 417042
Provincie Zeeland
- Wieteke Wolterbeek : w [point] wolterbeek
zeeland [point] nl/ 00 31 6 21124891
- Leonie Corbin-Goudzwaard : lp [point] corbin-goudzwaard
zeeland [point] nl / 00 31 6 25726686
Provincie Zuid-Holland
- Brent Bos b [point] bos1
pzh [point] nl / 00 31 6 50025025