With 2024 being the year of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, the Straits Committee organised a first ever Straits Youth Games, hosted by the Department of Nord in Lille metropolitan areas, from 13 to 15 March 2024.
For these three days, 120 young people aged 13 to 15 from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom met each other to experience together the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship through sport.
Under the watchful eye of the Comité départemental Olympique et sportif du Nord and CEMEA Nord-Pas de Calais, the young people took part in a series of sporting and handisport activities, also hearing the inspiring stories of Olympic and Paralympic athletes.
Find out more about what happened with our film below.
15 young people from Essex in the UK were amongst the young people taking part. Find out more about their experience on the following link: