Project title: Fallsify 

Project partners: Kent Integrated Care Alliance; The Digital Innovation Partnership Ltd; ROOS health B.V. (Zeeland, NL); HZ University of Applied Sciences (Zeeland, NL); Wit-Gele Kruis West-Vlaanderen (West Flanders, BE); KU Leuven (West Flanders, BE) 

Project duration: 01/04/2022-31/03/2022 

Grant awarded: 19,950 € (Zeeland; West-Vlaanderen); £5,169 (Kent)  

Status: Completed  

Description: Digirehab has been developed and used successfully by Danish and Norwegian organizations in home care. Pilot projects on fall prevention will take place in West-Flanders, Kent and Zeeland with care providers from each region. Knowledge exchange is the key element of the project. Partners recognising each other’s challenges and keenness to exchange successful solutions. Results, evaluation, and benefits will be compared between the regions and together may create additional benefits and reduction in challenges, on the topic fall prevention, for the whole Straits region. 

News: The project held three workshops to share knowledge and organised two pilots in Belgium, one in the Netherlands and one in England. While the pilots in England and the Netherlands will run beyond the lifetime of the project, KU Leuven has drawn up a report on the effects of the more than 50 elderly people who have already completed the training programme. This found that the participating elderly have become fitter, and their self-reliance has clearly increased. 

However, the project also showed that this does not automatically lead to acceptance of this service within the healthcare system, even though it has the potential in all three countries to reduce healthcare costs by making people better. Actions have now therefore been started in all three countries to work on this sustainability. These are actions that are specific to each country, as the healthcare systems of the three countries differ greatly. 

The participating organisations have also agreed to continue sharing knowledge and are exploring funding for a next step towards finding a sustainable business model.