Home Publications A common Vision and Strategy for the Straits Committee

A common Vision and Strategy for the Straits Committee


Convinced that good cross-border relations are of real added value to the territories bordering the Strait area, and given the geographical proximity and intensity of connections between the territories, the members of the Straits Committee have wished to develop a shared vision and strategy to guide their joint actions and shape the Strait region’s future development.

This shared vision and strategy was adopted on 3 February 2021, and reflects a clear commitment by the Committee members. It proposes a 10-year roadmap that will enable the Straits Committee to be recognized internationally as a dynamic cross-border hub and crossroads for trade between the UK and Europe. It responds to the challenges identified during the workshops held at the Committee’s launch conference, which brought together a wide range of stakeholders from across the Strait region.

Commissioned by the members of the Straits Committee, the Reeleaf Consultancy accompanied the preparation of the common vision and strategy based on a detailed territorial analysis of the six local authorities participating in the Committee and on a series of interviews with the stakeholders.

In this respect, this common vision and strategy sets out the different areas in which the members of the Strait Committee identify common challenges to which multilateral cooperation can respond: each within their own areas of competence, they wish to work to help resolve disruptions, promote economic development and fluidity of trade, tackle climate change, nurture clean growth and support young people.

In order to implement this vision and strategy in the years ahead, the Straits Committee will be able to rely on the strong networks existing within its territories to encourage greater sharing of best practice, promising concepts and working methods, and facilitate cross border projects.

The vision and strategy can be consulted at the following links:

The various contact points are at your disposal for further information on the Straits Committee’s common vision and strategy.

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